Active Passive Voice Future Perfect Tense with Excercise

Active & Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense in Hindi : पिछले पोस्ट में मैंने Active Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense के बारे में बताया था। आज इस पोस्ट में मैं Active Passive Voice Future Perfect Tense के बारे में बतलाऊंगा। अगर Active Passive Voice के basice rules के बारे में पता नहीं है तो इसके basice rules को जरूर पढ़ ले।

Active Passive Voice Feature Perfect Tense से related नीचे excercise दिया गया है। Excercise को जरूर बनाएं ताकि आपको अच्छी तरह से समझ में आ जाए।

Future continuous Tense और Future Perfect Continuous Tense Active Passive Voice के बारे में नहीं बताऊंगा क्योंकि इसका प्रयोग uncommon है। मतलब इसका इस्तेमाल नहीं के बराबर होता है।

Active Passive Voice of Future Perfect tense in hindi

Future Perfect Tense Active Passive Voice के structure को hinidi तथा english दोनो में बता देता हूँ।

Hindi and English Pattern of Future Perfect Tense Active Sentence

Active Voice of Future Perfect Tense (in hindi)

कर्त्ता + कर्म + धातु + चुकूंगा/चुकेगा/चुकेगी/चुकेंगे/चुका रहेगा/चुकी रहेंगी
मैं पत्र लिख चुका रहूँगा ।
वे लोग पेड़ काट चुकेंगे।

Active Voice of Future Perfect Tense (in english)

Subject + shall/will have + V3 Object
I shall have written a letter
They will have cut the trees

Hindi and English Pattern of Future Perfect Tense Passive Voice

Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense (in hindi)

कर्त्ता + संज्ञा/सर्वनाम द्वारा + धातु + आ जा चुका रहेगा/ई जा चुकी रहेगी/ए जा चुकेंगे
पत्र मेरे द्वारा लिखा जा चुका रहेगा।
पेड़ उन लोगो द्वारा काटा जा चुका रहेगा।

Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense (in english)

Subject + shall/will have been + V3 by + Object
A letter will have been written by me
Trees will have been cut by them

Rules of Future Perfect Tense Passive Sentence

  • Future Perfect Tense को Passive
    Voice में change करने के लिए shall/will have been का इस्तेमाल करते है।
  • Negative sentence में shall/will के बाद तथा have been के पहले ‘not‘ का इस्तेमाल करते है।

उदाहरण : Cricket will not have been played by Ram.

  • Interrogative sentence में shall/will को वाक्य के शुरुवात में लगते है।

उदाहरण : Will cricket not have been played by Ram ?

  • Sentence के subject के अनुसार shall/will का प्रयोग करते है।

Active Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense in Hindi

Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense

Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice
Affirmative / Positive Sentence Subject + shall/will + have + V3 + Object S (convert object to subject) + shall/will + have been + V3 + by +O (convert subject to object) + Remaining
He will have taught her a lesson. She will have been taught a lesson by him.
She will have bought a new car. A new car will have been bought by her.
I shall have earned 12 lakh by next year. 12 lakh will have been earned by me by next year.
Negative Sentence Subject + shall/will + not + have + V3 + Object S (convert object to subject) + shall/will not + have been + V3 + by + O (convert subject to object) + Remaining
He will not have taught her a lesson. She will not have been taught a lesson by him.
She will not have bought a new car. A new car will not have been bought by her.
She will not have cleaned their room. Their room will not have been cleaned by her.
Interrogative Sentence shall/will + Subject + have + V3 + Object shall/will + S (convert object to subject) + have been + V3 + by + O (convert subject to object) + Remaining
Will he have taught her a lesson ? Will she have been taught a lesson by him ?
Will she have bought a new car ? Will a new car have been bought by her ?
Shall I have earned 12 lakh by next year ? Will 12 lakh have been earned by me by next year ?


Change the following sentences into the passive form.
  1. The police will have caught the thief.
  2. She wil have done everything by Friday.
  3. I shall have spent all the money.
  4. Will he have paid the bill ?
  5. She will have invited you on her birthday.
  6. Patients will have taken medicine on time.
  7. I shall have written the book.
  8. She will have cooked the food by noon.
  9. I shall have left her.
  10. I shall have built this house by next March.
  11. We shall have arranged everything by tomorrow.
  12. He will have repaired the watch by tomorrow evening.
  13. I shall have read this book by next Monday.
  14. The carpenter will have made the table by tomorrow.
  15. I shall have learnt English by next year.
  16. The tailor will have made the shirt by evening.
  17. They will have dug the well by the end of the week.
  18. He will have sold the car by tomorrow.
  19. He will have informed me.
  20. I shall have bought a car.
  21. They will have built the road by March.
  22. They will have finished the work by the end of this month.
  23. The government will have made schemes for unemployed graduates by the end of this year.


  1. The thief will have been caught by the police.
  2. Everything will have been done by her by Friday.
  3. All the money will have been spent by   me.
  4. Will the bill have been paid by him ?
  5. You will have been invited by her on her birthday.
  6. Medicine will have been taken by patients on time.
  7. The book will have been written by me.
  8. The food will have been cooked by her by noon.
  9. She will have been left by me.
  10. This house will have been built by next March ?
  11. Everything will have been arranged by  tomorrow.
  12. The watch will have been repaired by tomorrow evening.
  13. This book will have been read by next Monday.
  14. The table will have been made by carpenter by tomorrow.
  15. English will have been learnt by me by next year.
  16. The shirt will have been made by the tailor by evening.
  17. The well have been dug by the end of the week.
  18. The car will have been sold by him by tomorrow.
  19. I shall have been informed by him.
  20. A car will have been bought by me.
  21. The road will have been built by March.
  22. The work will have been finished by the end of this month.
  23. Schemes will have been made by the government for unemployed graduates by the end of this year.

All Post of Active & Passive Voice

उम्मीद करता हूँ आपको यह पोस्ट (Active Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense in hindi) अच्छी तरह से समझ में आ गया होगा। Future Perfect Tense Active Passive Voice से सबंधित कोई भी सवाल हो तो नीचे comment box में अपना सवाल लिखकर भेज दे।

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Himanshu Kumar
Himanshu Kumar

Hellow friends, welcome to my blog NewFeatureBlog. I am Himanshu Kumar, a part time blogger from Bihar, India. Here at NewFeatureBlog I write about Blogging, Social media, WordPress and Making Money Online etc.


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