आज मैं इस tutorial में Active & Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense in hindi के बारे में बताऊंगा। इस पोस्ट को पढ़ने से पहले मैं आपको कहना चाहूंगा कि Active & Passive voice के basic rules को जरूर देख ले।
नीचे Past Continuous Tense पर आधारित Active sentence का excercise दिया गया है, जिसको passive sentence में change करना है, का practice जरूर करें।
Hindi & English Pattern of Past Continuous Tense Active Sentence
Active Voice of Past Continuous Tense (in hindi) |
कर्त्ता | + कर्म | + धातु + रहा था/रही थी/रहे थे/रहा था |
वह | मुझे | परेशान कर रही थी। |
तुम | उन्हें | परेशान कर रहे थे। |
Active Voice of Past Continuous Tense (in english) |
Subject | + was/were | + verb + ing (V4) | + Object |
She | was | disturbing | me |
You | were | disturbing | them |
Hindi & English Pattern of Past Continuous Tense Passive Sentence
Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense (in hindi) |
कर्त्ता | + संज्ञा/सर्वनाम द्वारा | + धातु + आ जा रहा था/ई जा रही थी/ए जा रहे थे |
मुझे | उसके द्वारा | परेशान किया जा रहा था। |
उन्हें | तुम्हारे द्वारा | परेशान किया जा रहा था। |
Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense (in english) |
Subject | + was being/were being | + V3 (past participle) | + by + Object |
I | was being | disturbed | by her |
They | were being | disturbed | by you |
Rules :
- Past continuous tense को passive voice में change करने के लिए was being/were being + V3 का इस्तेमाल करते है।
- Negative sentence में, helping verb (was/were) के बाद ‘not + being‘ लगाते है।
- Interrogative sentence में, helping verb (was/were) को sentence के शुरुवात में लगाते है।
- Passive voice में helping verb का इस्तेमाल वाक्य के subject के अनुसार होता है। I/He/She/It तथा singular noun के साथ ‘Was‘ का प्रयोग तथा We/You/They तथा Plural noun के साथ ‘Were‘ का इस्तेमाल करते है।
Active Voice to Passive Voice of Past Continuous / Progressive Tense
Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense |
Sentences | Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Affirmative / Positive Sentence | Subject + was/were + V4 (verb + ing) + Object | S (convert object to subject) + was/were + being + V3 + by +O (convert subject to object) + Remaining |
The teacher was teaching us. | We were being taught by the teacher. | |
She was writing a letter. | A letter was being written by her. | |
He was reading a newspaper. | A newspaper was being read by him. | |
Negative Sentence | Subject + was/were + not + V4 (verb + ing) + Object | S (convert object to subject) + was/were +not + V3 + by + O (convert subject to object) + Remaining |
The teacher was not teaching us. | We were not being taught by the teacher. | |
She was not writing a letter. | A letter was not being written by her. | |
He was not reading a newspaper. | A newpaper was not being read by him. | |
Interrogative Sentence | Was/Were + Subject + V4 + Object | Was/Were + S (convert object to subject) + being + V3 + by + O (convert subject to object) + Remaining |
Was the teacher teaching us ? | Were we being taught by the teacher ? | |
Was She not writing a letter ? | Was a letter not being written by her ? | |
Was he not reading a newspaper ? | Was a newspaper not being read by him. |
Excercise :
Change the following sentences into the passive form.
- He was cutting the crops.
- They were abusing him.
- They were carrying the chairs.
- He was buying sweets.
- I was painting the pictures.
- She was selling flowers.
- They were killing animals for nothing.
- They were cutting trees.
- I was teaching her.
- The girl was drawing the picture.
- They were doing nothing.
- Nobody was answering the question.
- They were repairing the bridge.
- We were expecting good news.
- They were doing the work carefully.
- They were cutting the trees for their personal use.
- She was staring at me.
- She was watching a film.
- Was she reading these lines ?
- He has playing the guitar.
- Nobody was watching TV.
- She was watching the newest videos.
- I was throwing the stone.
- I was writing a novel.
- They were saying their prayers.
- Boys were making a noise.
- The teacher was helping the students.
- She was cleaning the room and roof.
Answer :
- The crops were being cut by him.
- He was being abused by them.
- The chairs were being carried by them.
- Sweets were being bought by him.
- The picture was being painted by me.
- Flowers were being sold by her.
- Animals were being killed for nothing.
- Trees were being cut by them.
- She was being taught by me.
- The picture was being drawn by the girl.
- Nothing was being done by them.
- The question was not being answered (by anybody).
- The bridge was being repaired.
- Good news were being expected by us.
- The work was being carefully done.
- The trees were being cut for their personal use.
- I was being stared at by her.
- A film was being watched by her.
- Were these lines being read by her ?
- The guitar was being played by him.
- The TV wasn’t being watched (by anybody).
- The newest videos were being watched by her.
- The stone was being thrown by me.
- A novel was being written by me.
- Their prayers were being said by them.
- A noise was being made by boys.
- The students were being helped by the teacher.
- Room and roof were being cleaned by her.
All Post of Active & Passive Voice
- Active Voice को Passive Voice में Change करने का सबसे आसान Basic Rules
- Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense : Full Explanation
- Active and Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense
- Active & Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense
- Active & Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
- Active & Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense
- Active & Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense with Excercise
- Active Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense
- Active Passive Voice Future Perfect Tense with Excercise
- Passive Voice of Modals with Excercise
- Passive Voice of Past Modals With Excercise
उम्मीद करता हूँ active & passive voice of past continuous tense in hindi आपको अच्छी तरह से समझ में आ गया होगा। Active and passive voice से सबंधित कोई भी question हो तो नीचे comment box में लिखकर मुझे भेज दे।
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