Central OBC List in Kerala (केंद्रीय सूची में सम्मिलित केरल राज्य के अन्य पिछड़ा वर्गों की जातियां / समुदाय) : In this post we are going to know about Central list of Other Backward classes (OBCs) caste list in Kerala.

OBC Full Form in Hindi and English
Caste Name | Full Form in English | Hindi Meaning |
OBC | Other Backward Class | अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग |
Central OBC (Other Backward Classes) List in Kerala
There are separate OBC lists for state purpose and central purpose. The central list of OBC is used for employment in central government service and educational purpose in central government institutions.
Below I have written the central list of Kerala Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in the table. You can find out which category you fall in by looking at the table.
Entry No. | Caste / Community |
1 | Agasa |
2 | Ambalakkaran |
3 | Anglo Indian |
4 | Aremahrati |
5 | Arya |
6 | Bandari |
7 | Billava |
8 | Chakkala |
9 | Chavalakkaran |
10 | Chetties (Kottar Chetties, Parakka Chetties, Elur Chetties, Attingal Chetties, Pudukkada Chetties, Iraniel Chetties, Sri Pandara Chetties, Telugu Chetties, Udayamkulangara Chetties, Wynadan Chetties & Kalavara Chetties, Sadhu Chetties & 24 Manai Telugu Chetties) |
11 | Devadiga |
12 | Devanga |
13 | Dheevara (Araya, Arayavathi Mukkuvan or Mukaya, Mogaveera, Valan, Bovi Mukayar, Nulayan, Valinijiar and Paniakkal) |
14 | Ezhava, Izhavan, Ishavan, Ezhavan, Ezhuva, Izhuva, Ishuva, Izhuvan, Ishuvan, Ezhuvan, Izhava |
15 | Ezhavathi |
16 | Ezhuthachan |
17 | Ganika |
18 | Gatti |
19 | Gowda |
20 | Hegde |
21 | Izhavan, Ishavan, Illuva, Illuvan, Irava, Iruva, Thiyyan, Thiyya |
22 | Jogi |
23 | Kaduppattan |
24 | Kaikolan |
25 | Kelasi(Kalasi Panicker) |
26 | Kalari Kurup or Kalari Panicker |
27 | Viswakarma, including Assari, Chaptegra, Kallassari, Kammala, Karuvan, Kitaran, Kollan, Malayala Kammala, Pandi Kammala, Moosari, Perumkollan, Thattan,Pandithattan, Vilkurup, Villasan, Viswabrahmanan or Viswabrahmanar and Viswakarmala, Thachan, Kalthachan, Kamsala, Kannan |
28 | Kannadiyan |
29 | Kanisu or Kaniyar Panicker, Kani or Kaniyan (Ganaka) or Kanisan or Kamnan |
30 | Kavuthiyan, Aduthon |
31 | Kavudiyaru |
32 | Koteyar |
33 | Krishnanvaka |
34 | Kerala Mudali |
35 | Kudumbi |
36 | Kusavan (Kulala, Kulala Nair,or Andhra Nair or Anthura Nair) |
36 (A) | Kumbaran |
37 | Latin Catholic |
38 | Madivala |
39 | Mappila |
39 (A) | Other Muslims excluding (i) Bohra (ii) Cutchi Menmon (iii) Navayat (iv) Turukkan (v) Dakhani Muslim |
40 | Maravan |
41 | Maruthuvar |
42 | Nadar (Hindu Nadar, Nadar included in SIUC & Nadar belonging to Christian religious denominations other than the SIUC) |
43 | Naikkan |
44 | Odan |
45 | Scheduled Caste converts to Christianity |
46 | Pandithar |
47 | Panniyar |
48 | Pattariya |
49 | Deleted |
50 | Deleted |
51 | Rajapur |
52 | Chakravar, Sakravar (Kavathi) |
53 | Sourashtra |
54 | Saliya, Chaliya(Chaliyan)(whose caste profession is cotton weaving) |
55 | Senai Thalavar (Elavaniar) |
56 | SIUC (excluding Nadar Specified in Item No. 42 which is item No.49 of the State List) |
57 | Tholkolan |
58 | Thottian |
59 | Vaduvans Vadugan Vadukar Vaduka (Vadukan) |
60 | Velaan (Velaar) |
61 | Vanian (Vanika, Vanika Vaisya, Vanibha Chetty, Vaniya Chetty, Ayiravar, Nagarathar, and Vaniyan) |
62 | Vaniar |
63 | Vakkaliga |
64 | Veerasaiva (Yogi & Yogeeswara). Poopandaram/ Maalapandaram and Jangam |
65 | Veluthedathu Nair (Veluthedan & Vannathan) |
66 | Vilakkithala Nair (Vilakkithalavan) |
67 | Yadava (Kolaya, Ayar, Mayar, Maniyani & Iruman) |
68 | Ganjam Reddi (in Malabar District referred to in Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956) |
69 | Vishavan (in Malabar District as referred to in Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956) |
70 | Kammara (excluding Malabar District as referred to in Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956) |
71 | Malayekandi (excluding Malabar District as referred to in Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956) |
72 | Reddiar/ Reddian(excluding Malabar District as referred to in Sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956) |
73 | Marati (excluding Kasargod Taluk of Malabar District) |
74 | Thachar who are Carpenters |
75 | Vettuva Navithan |
76 | Kongu Navithan |
77 | Saraswat Non-Brahmin |
78 | Odde, Boyan (in Malabar District as referred to in Sub- -section (2) of Section 5 of the States Reorganisation Act,1956) |
79 | Moopar or Kallan Mooppan or Kallan Mooppar |
80 | Mukhari alias Moovari |
81 | Kongu Vellala, Gounder including Vellala Gounder, Nattu Gounder, Pala Gounder, Poosari Gounder and Pala Vellala Gounder |
82 | Mahendra-Medara |
83 | Kuruba |
All State Castes List in India
- SC ST OBC Full Form in Hindi
- Bihar Caste List : GEN OBC BC-1 BC-2 SC ST MBC EWS
- Uttar Pradesh Caste List : General OBC SC ST in Hindi
- Madhya Pradesh Caste List : SC ST OBC
- Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribes (ST) List
- Andhra Pradesh Socially and Economically Backward Classes (SEBC) Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Andhra Pradesh
- Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribes (ST) Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Assam
- Assam SC & ST Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Chhatisgarh
- Chhatisgarh SC & ST Caste List
- Goa Caste List : SC, ST, OBC
- Gujrat Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Gujrat
- Himachal Pradesh Caste List : SC ST OBC
- Jammu & Kashmir Caste List : SC ST OBC
- Jharkhand Caste List : OBC, BC-1, BC-2, SC, ST
- Karnataka SC & ST Caste List 2022
- Karnataka SEBC Caste List 2022
- Central List of OBCs in Karnataka 2022
- Kerela SC & ST Caste List 2022
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In this post I have explained in detail about Central List of OBC in Kerala (केंद्रीय सूची में सम्मिलित कर्नाटक राज्य के अन्य पिछड़ा वर्गों की जातियां / समुदाय). If you have any query related to this post then write in the comment box below.