Telangana SC ST Caste List 2024

Telangana SC & ST Caste List : तेलंगाना राज्य की अनुसूचित जाति और अनुसूचित जनजाति [List of Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribes (ST) in Telangana] – In this post, we will know which caste comes under SC and ST category in Telangana.

When you are applying for a job or admission to higher studies like Graduation or PG etc., you can claim seats reserved under reservation categories mainly for those who comes under Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST).

Telangana sc st caste list

SC and ST Caste Full Form

Caste NameFull Form in EnglishHindi Meaning
SCScheduled Castesअनुसूचित जाति
STScheduled Tribesअनुसूचित जनजाति

Telangana SC and ST Caste List

While filling an examination form, you may need to know which category your caste comes in. Below I have written the Telangana Scheduled Castes (SC) List and Telangana Scheduled Tribes (ST) List in the table. You can find out which category you fall in by looking at the table.

Scheduled Caste (SC) List in Telangana (तेलंगाना अनुसूचित जाति सूची)

  1. Adi Andhra
  2. Adi Dravida
  3. Anamuk
  4. Aray Mala
  5. Arundhatiya
  6. Arwa Mala
  7. Bariki
  8. Bavuri
  9. Beda (Budga) Jangam
  10. Bindla
  11. Byagara, Byagari
  12. Chachati
  13. Chalavadi
  14. Chamar, Mochi, Muchi, Chamar-Ravidas, Chamar-Rohidas
  15. Chambhar
  16. Chandala
  17. Dakkal, Dokkalwar
  18. Dandasi
  19. Dhor
  20. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano
  21. Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu
  22. Ghasi, Haddi, Relli, Chanchandi
  23. Godari
  24. Gosangi
  25. Holeya
  26. Holeya Dasari
  27. Jaggali
  28. Jambuvulu
  29. Kolupulvandlu, Pambada, Pambanda,
  30. Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva
  31. Madiga
  32. Madiga Dasu, Mashteen
  33. Mahar
  34. Mala, Mala Ayawaru
  35. Mala Dasari
  36. Mala Dasu
  37. Mala Hannai
  38. Malajangam
  39. Mala Masti
  40. Mala Sale, Nethani
  41. Mala Sanyasi
  42. Mang
  43. Mang Garodi
  44. Manne
  45. Mashti
  46. Matangi
  47. Mehtar
  48. Mitha Ayyalvar
  49. Mundala
  50. Paky, Moti, Thoti
  51. amidi
  52. Panchama, Pariah
  53. Relli
  54. Samagara
  55. Samban
  56. Sapru
  57. Sindhollu, Chindollu
  58. Yatala
  59. Valluvan.

Scheduled Tribes (ST) List in Telangana (तेलंगाना अनुसूचित जनजाति सूची)

  1. Andh, Sadhu Andh
  2. Bagata
  3. Bhil
  4. Chenchu
  5. Gadabas, Bodo
    Gadaba, Gutob
    Gadaba, Kallayi
    Gadaba, Parangi
    Gadaba, Kathera
    Gadaba, Kapu
  6. Gond, Naikpod,
    Rajgond, Koitur
  7. Goudu (in the
    Agency tracts)
  8. Hill Reddis
  9. Jatapus
  10. Kammara
  11. Kattunayakan
  12. Kolam, Kolawar
  13. Konda Dhoras,
  14. Konda Kapus
  15. Kondareddis
  16. Kondhs, Kodi,
    Kodhu, Desaya
    Kondhs, Dongria
    Kondhs, Kuttiya
    Kondhs, Tikiria
    Kondhs, Yenity
    Kondhs, Kuvinga
  17. Kotia, Bentho
    Oriya, Bartika,
    Dulia, Holva,
  18. Koya, Doli Koya,
    Gutta Koya,
    Kammara Koya,
    Musara Koya,Oddi
    Koya, Pattidi Koya,
    Rajah, Rasha
    Koya, Lingadhari
    Koya (ordinary),
    Kottu Koya, Bhine
    Koya, Rajkoya\
  19. Kulia
  20. Manna Dhora
  21. Mukha Dhora,
    Nooka Dhora
  22. Nayaks (in the
    Agency tracts)
  23. Pardhan
  24. Porja, Parangiperja
  25. Reddi Dhoras
  26. Rona, Rena
  27. Savaras, Kapu
    Savaras, Maliya
    Savaras, Khutto
  28. Sugalis, Lambadis,
  29. Thoti (in Adilabad,
    Medak, Nalgonda,
    Nizam abad and
    Warangal districts)
  30. Yenadis, Chella
    Yenadi, Kappala
    Yenadi, Manchi
    Yenadi, Reddi
  31. Yerukulas,
    Koracha, Dabba
    Yerukula, Uppu
  32. Nakkala,

All State Caste Lists in India

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In this post I have explained in detail about Telangana Scheduled Caste (SC), Telangana Scheduled Tribes (ST). If you have any query related to this post then write in the comment box below.

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Himanshu Kumar
Himanshu Kumar

Hellow friends, welcome to my blog NewFeatureBlog. I am Himanshu Kumar, a part time blogger from Bihar, India. Here at NewFeatureBlog I write about Blogging, Social media, WordPress and Making Money Online etc.

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