Tripura SC ST OBC Caste List : त्रिपुरा राज्य की अनुसूचित जाति, अनुसूचित जनजाति और अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग [List of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Class in Tripura] – In this post, we will know which caste comes under SC and ST category in Tripura.
When you are applying for a job or admission to higher studies like Graduation or PG etc., you can claim seats reserved under reservation categories mainly for those who comes under SC, ST and OBC.

SC ST OBC Caste Full Form
Caste Name | Full Form in English | Hindi Meaning |
SC | Scheduled Castes | अनुसूचित जाति |
ST | Scheduled Tribes | अनुसूचित जनजाति |
OBC | Other Backward Class | अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग |
Tripura SC ST OBC Caste List
While filling an examination form, you may need to know which category your caste comes in. Below I have written the Tripura Scheduled Castes (SC) List, Tripura Scheduled Tribes (ST) List and Tripura OBC list in the table. You can find out which category you fall in by looking at the table.
Scheduled Caste (SC) List in Tripura (त्रिपुरा अनुसूचित जाति सूची)
- Bagdi
- Bhuimali
- Bhunar
- Chamar, Muchi,Chamar –Rohidas, Chamar- Ravidas
- Dandasi
- Dhenuar
- Dhoba, Dhobi
- Dum
- Ghasi
- Gour
- Gur
- Jalia Kaibarta, Jhalo-Malo ]
- Kahar
- Kalindi
- Kan
- Kanda
- Kanugh
- Keot
- Khadit
- Kharia
- Koch
- Koir
- Kol
- Kora
- Kotal
- Mahisyadas
- Mali
- Mehtor
- Musahar
- Namasudra
- Patni
- Sabar.
- Dhuli, Sabdakar, Badyakar
- Natta, Nat.
Scheduled Tribes (ST) List in Tripura (त्रिपुरा अनुसूचित जनजाति सूची)
- Bhil
- Bhutia
- Chaimal
- Chakma
- Garoo
- Halam, Bengshel,
Dub, Kaipeng, Kalai,
Karbong, Lengui,
Mussum, Rupini,
Thangchep - Jamatia
- Khasia
- Kuki, including the
following sub-tribes:
(i) Balte
(ii) Belalhut
(iii) Chhalya
(iv) Fun
(v) Hajango
(vi) Jangtei
(vii) Khareng
(viii) Khephong
(ix) Kuntei
(x) Laifang
(xi) Lentei (xii) Mizel
(xiii) Namte
(xiv) Paitu, Paite
(xv) Rangchan
(xvi) Rangkhole
(xvii) Thangluya - Lepcha
- Lushai
- Mag
- Munda, Kaur
- Noatia, Murashing
- Orang
- Riang
- Santal
- Tripura, Tripuri,
Tippera - Uchai
Central OBC List in Tripura (त्रिपुरा केंद्रीय अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग सूची)
Entry No. | Caste / Community |
1 | Nagarchi |
2 | Baishnab |
3 | Barui, Baruijibi |
4 | Bauri |
5 | Bhar, Rajbhar |
6 | Bhumij, Bumij |
7 | Bin |
8 | Bind |
9 | Chouhan |
10 | Dosadh, Dosad |
11 | Gara |
12 | Gareri |
13 | Goala, Gope, Yadav, Aheer |
14 | Jhara |
15 | Kandh |
16 | Kapali |
17 | Karmakar, Kamar |
18 | Koiri |
19 | Kumbhakar, Kumar |
20 | Kurmi |
21 | Lohar |
22 | Manipuri |
23 | Marar |
24 | Deleted |
25 | Napit, Shil |
26 | Nayak |
27 | Nepali (Limbo, Matwali, Rai) |
28 | Nuniya, Nunia |
29 | Pan |
30 | Panki, Painak |
31 | Pasi |
32 | Sutradhar |
33 | Tanti, Tati |
34 | Teli (Oriya) |
35 | Yogi, Jogi, Nath |
36 | Kuri |
37 (A) | Bishnupriya Manipuri |
37 (B) | Pangal |
38 | Rai (Oriya) |
39 | Raily |
40 | Telenga |
41 | Bangshi |
42 | Giri |
Source : link
All State Caste Lists in India
- SC ST OBC Full Form in Hindi
- Bihar Caste List : GEN OBC BC-1 BC-2 SC ST MBC EWS
- Uttar Pradesh Caste List : General OBC SC ST in Hindi
- Madhya Pradesh Caste List : SC ST OBC
- Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribes (ST) List
- Andhra Pradesh Socially and Economically Backward Classes (SEBC) Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Andhra Pradesh
- Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribes (ST) Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Assam
- Assam SC & ST Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Chhatisgarh
- Chhatisgarh SC & ST Caste List
- Goa Caste List : SC, ST, OBC
- Gujrat Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Gujrat
- Himachal Pradesh Caste List : SC ST OBC
- Jammu & Kashmir Caste List : SC ST OBC
- Jharkhand Caste List : OBC, BC-1, BC-2, SC, ST
- Karnataka SC & ST Caste List
- Karnataka SEBC Caste List
- Central List of OBCs in Karnataka
- Kerela SC & ST Caste List
- Central OBC List in Kerala
- Kerala SEBC Caste List
- State OBC List in Kerala
- Other Eligible Communities (OEC) List in Kerala
- Maharastra SC ST Caste List
- Central List of OBC in Maharastra
- Maharastra SBC, VJ / DNTs (Denotified Tribes) & NT (Nomadic Tribes) Caste List
- Manipur Caste List : SC ST & OBC
- Meghalaya SC ST Caste List
- Mizoram SC ST Caste List
- Nagaland ST Caste List
- Sikkim SC ST Caste List
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In this post I have explained in detail about Tripura Scheduled Castes (SC) List, Tripura Scheduled Tribes (ST) List and Tripura Central OBC list. If you have any query related to this post then write in the comment box below.